AGM Announcement
A very successful AGM was held on 16th November 2024 at 10:30 AM at the club.
We are pleased to announce the following newly elected committee members who will represent you:
Chairman: Steve Smith
Treasurer: Chris Pollard
Secretary: Chris Zscherpel
Club Captain: Lin Burdett
Ladies Captain: Caroline Worsfold
Fixtures Secretary: Lesley Stewart
Internal Competitions Secretary: Jim McKenna
External Competitions Secretary: Steve Smith/Bob Sibley
Green Team: To be agreed
Catering Manager: Caroline Hayter
Committee Member: Julie Roberts
Committee Member (Website): Henk Kruse
Safeguarding Officer: Janet Reynolds
Bar Managers : Kay and Steve Fensom
County Rep : Steve Moore
Christmas Party 🎄
We’re excited to announce a Christmas Party at the club on 21st December 2024!
Cost: £15 per person (includes buffet and a Ukulele band 🎶)
RSVP: Please contact any committee member to confirm your attendance.
We hope to see you all there to celebrate the festive season together!